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About me

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About The Author

My name is Shannon and I'm a corporate attorney for a French company. Four years ago I was in a serious car accident where a speeding driver t-boned me totaling my car. I was rushed to the hospital because of a head injury. There, a CT scan incidentally found that I had cancer on my thyroid. They told me that the surgery to remove the cancer would be a quick recovery- little did I know that my recovery would last me over a year, as I was in 20% of cases who experienced post-surgical complications, including extreme nerve pain in my neck, and needing to re-learn how to swallow. What they thought would have been two weeks out of work, led me to need to move back in with my parents since I wasn't able to take care of myself during recovery as I was in so much pain, and was out of work for over three months. Fast forward to two years ago, I was the passenger in another serious car accident where the vehicle flipped twice. I was tossed and turned and hit my head countless times. I am today still recovering from post-traumatic concussion syndrome. My vision changed, and I developed severe, chronic migraines. All of these situations have taught me that life is short, and no one knows when it's going to be their last. Over the past few years, I have worked to get myself in great health- going back to the gym and managing my migraines in a way that enables me to work my job and live a full and joyful life. I decided to travel and experience the wonders of the world. This blog will be about everything to do and see the must-haves must-dos and must-sees of my hometown, Lancaster County Pennsylvania, and hotels and eateries of other places, such as the beautiful state of Florida. Come experience and travel with me through this blog!

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